Rotonda Elks Lodge 2710 A Fraternal Organization



Douglas Jacobson Veterans Nursing Home:

Our Veterans Committee Chairperson, along with several of our members, visit our Veterans Home at least twice a month.  They assist with the bingo games, ice cream socials, and various other activities.  We also participate in the Homeless Veterans Standdown which helps homeless Veterans get meals, haircuts, showers, counceling and other provisions for their livelihood and safety.  We also participate on a Veterans Committee that is working to restore and move a Mobile Vietnam Veterans Wall to our area for its final resting place.


Charlotte County Education for the Homeless: 

In March of 2012, the Lodge completed the 5 year contract with Charlotte County School System Education for the Homeless Program.  During these 5 years, we donated $30,000 helping over 260 students and their families.  We provided this funding to assist homeless high school students in their efforts to remain in school and to ease their financial burden while continuing their education.

Starting in April of 2012, the Lodge continued this program by working directly with Lemon Bay High School.  Ten homeless students graduated in 2013, of which 6 where provided graduation packages, allowing them to graduate along side their classmates.

CCSO Project Lifesaver:

Our Lodge partners with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office in their Project Lifesaver program to provide limited funding and manpower.  This program works with primarily the elderly who suffer from Alzheimers Disease or Dementia.  A qualified individual will receive a wrist bracelet that is a radio frequency transmitter that will allow us to electronically track the individual should they wonder and become lost.  Two of our members make monthly rounds of all clients to replace the batteries in the bracelets.  The Lodge has donated $2000 to this project in 2013.


Thanksgiving Food Baskets for Needy Families:

Every Thanksgiving we provide needy families with a Thanksgiving food basket including a large turkey.  We receive recommendations for families that are in need from several community agencies.  Members donate food items, as well as dry goods and the Lodge purchases all the turkeys. 


Angel Tree Christmas Gifts for Needy Families:

Shortly after Thanksgiving, we put up our Christmas Tree and decorate it with Angel Tree Cards. These cards provide the names of children, given to us by school counselors, who would not have any Christmas presents.  Our members choose a card for a child of a certain age group and gender and shop for the gifts on the child's wish list. Gifts are then brought back to our Lodge. wrapped and set up on tables awaiting the families to come pick them up.  In addition to their wish list, each child is provided with a new outfit.  What a thrill. 


CCSO Christmas Shop With a Cop:

Shop with a Cop is a program through the Charlotte County Sheriffs Office which provides needy children with the opportunity to shop for Christmas presents with a Deputy for their family members.  Each child receives a $100 Walmart giftcard and is escorted through the store with a Deputy. filling the shopping cart with gifts from their wish list.  Our Lodge makes a donation to the Sheriffs Office every year and provides up to 10 Elk members to help line up and register the children, and place each child with a Deputy for their shopping experience.

Englewood Area Cancer Foundation:

The Englewood Area Cancer Foundation (EACF) is dedicated to helping those fighting cancer and their caregivers with support from the community.  Our Lodge makes an annual sponsor donationn to support EACF.